Afrikaans Word Protea Set of 10
Template for Afrikaans Word Protea Set of 10. Buy this template, design, pattern. This cut pattern, is perfect for laser cutting and engraving. It can be use from interior design décor, wall art, gift , invitations, art, packaging, kids décor, gifts, valentine, mothers day, or add to your range of products. Cut out of wood, hardboard, acrylic. Download VECTOR file PDF, AI, EPS, SVG, CDR and DXF. Use your favorite editing program to scale this vector to any size. You can add and remove elements or personalize the design. Our templates are all tested. Test cut was done on MDF and 3mm acrylic, design size 300mm x 72.5mm.
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AFR Woord Blomme
Sny perfek, baie dankie. My kliente is in hulle noppies daarmee, die proteas is pragtig. Sny dit vanaf 400mm tot 600mm elke keer perfek.